Dialogue of feelings, knowledge and doing
By: José Garth Medina
The Magnificent Rector of URACCAN, Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford, accompanied by Dr. Leonor Ruiz Calderon, Vice-Chancellor of the Las Minas Campus, the Msc. Letisia Castillo Gómez, Academic Director of URACCAN and teacher Ariel Chavarría, Academic Secretary of the Las Minas campus, held a dialogue with the teaching staff of this campus, in order to share the institutional walk in the face of the challenges that arise from the process of articulating planning and institutional concertation 2020.
In this context, Dr Hooker explained in detail the process that URACCAN will have in April with the arrival of the verifiers of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Council (CNEA) and the process that is carried out in this university campus with the institutional planning of the first two months of 2020.
Institutional articulation to streamline planning processes
Dr Hooker also highlighted the work that has been done from the Institutional Information and Communication Technology System (SITICI-URACCAN) where planning and institutional budgeting has been digitized, being a very agile and useful tool that has been implemented in these institutional planning processes.
New 10-year planning
Similarly, Hooker explained to teaching staff that 2015-2019 Strategic Planning expired last year, but 10-year planning is already being thought about to better develop and empower the university in its different areas.
Quality Higher Education Verifiers
In addition, the magnificent rector of this house of intercultural higher education informed URACCAN teaching staff of the Las Minas Campus about the minimum laws, which are required to be considered as a higher education institution in Nicaragua, and URACCAN is on the right path to its accreditation and evaluation process.
Finally, the rector, after answering some concerns, proceeded to share with the teaching staff details of estimation that strengthen trust, companionship and unity between officials and officials of this academy.
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