MINSA highlights contribution from URACCAN Nursing students on vaccination day in Siuna
URACCAN Intercultural Nursing Student, during the day in Siuna
Algiers Hernandez

The Ministry of Health successfully completed the National Vaccination Day in the municipality of Siuna, with the support of different institutions and entities, especially with the participation of the students of Intercultural Nursing of URACCAN campus Las Minas.

"URACCAN students have accompanied us in different health processes and have stood out for their dedication, managing to carry out together one of the most successful vaccination days in the municipality," said Dr. Rigoberto Chávez, director of the Carlos Centeno Primary Hospital in this municipality.

The Galen noted that the contribution of university students has been fundamental and remarkable in the fight against Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya and now with home-to-home educational talks for the prevention of COVID–19.

For her part, the teacher Lilia Montoya Leal, coordinator of the career of Intercultural Nursing on this campus, explained that the contribution to health provided by students is the result of the agreements that the University maintains with the Local System of Integral Health Care (SILAIS) and the commitment that this house of intercultural studies has acquired to contribute in this way to the good of the peoples of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast.

Likewise students of the Waslala extension, joined the day in this municipality.

Deliver certificates for good performance and health contribution

Dr. Chavez stated that they are, "grateful to URACCAN University; we want through a certificate to show our gratitude for the work that students have done in this important time where we require the support of health personnel."

Currently, the URACCAN Las Minas campus is professionally training 90 students of Intercultural Nursing of 1st year and 54 of 3rd year, who total 144 active university students working for their community.