
The resources existing in the 318.35 blocks (Mz) of land that are part of the natural laboratories, are heritage of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN), and are available to the university community, towns and communities of the Caribbean Coast, for the development of teaching processes of creating and recreating knowledge and practices , intercultural community accompaniment, entrepreneurship, innovation, sustainable production and product marketing.

In general, the users are the students who pursue the different careers offered by the university, as well as teachers, community leaders, government institutions, cooperators and sister organizations that contribute to the training of the men and women of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast.

Use and Opportunities

Infrastructure academically

They are spaces for the development of learning processes, research, exchange of experiences and community accompaniment that guarantee the implementation of the University model in the Community. Natural laboratories have academic infrastructures, with designs that meet specifications for comfort, harmony with motherland and access to basic services; roads in passable conditions that facilitate entry and exit to the facilities.

Agricultural and livestock production systems

Established production systems have an agro-ecological approach and design for clean production, based on the productive basis of communities, capable of generating solutions to the needs or problems of communities that contribute to food security and sovereignty on the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast.

Tourism Green

They have spaces for the promotion of ecological tourism projects through the trails established between the productive areas and the forest giving rise to the landscape beauty, the native flora and fauna, the culture of our peoples and respect for Mother Earth. It is a way to preserve the environment and contribute to the posterity and conservation of natural heritage.


Space for the design and implementation of innovative projects focused on giving added value to the products and by-products that result from production systems, contributing to the improvement of productive yields, extending the shelf life of food that contribute to sustainable and sustainable food security and sovereignty.


Space for the design and implementation of entrepreneurial and innovative projects involving biotechnology in the field of natural medicine, food production and conservation, cosmetology and crafts, which revitalize and promote the knowledge, knowledge, culture and practices of our peoples.

Productive innovation

Creation of spaces to improve productive activity through the creation and recreation of own processes, promotion and promotion of innovation, entrepreneurship, research and development (R&D&I), and the transmission of technologies that result in a new product or form of production.


Establishment of genetic spaces or centres that contribute to the reproduction and conservation of species endangered or threatened by man to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and balance with nature.

Renewable energy

Develop projects focused on the use of natural resources for the generation of clean energy such as wind, solar and hydroelectric.

Production of biogas

Design and implementation of projects for the production of biogas from organic waste capturing greenhouse gases for the production of energy and substrate for organic fertilizer, contributing to the protection of the environment and non-renewable resources.

Production of organic fertilizer

Promote and design projects for the good practices of sustainable development through the recycling and reuse of organic matter for the production of organic fertilizer with the aim of reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) that release product to the breakdown of matter, in this way we improve soils, optimize resources, improve productive yields and contribute to the protection of the environment and public health.

Waterwater management

Promote and design projects aimed at reducing the environmental impact by productive the application of good practices for waste management (BPMR), which are generated in production processes or the result of human activities.

⇒Plant genetic improvement, vegetable and creole seed recovery

Development of animal and plant genetic improvement projects that contribute to increase the productive yields of species of economic interest. As well as establishment of germplasm banks for the rescue of Creole seeds.

⇒Manejo and conservation of natural resources

Design of programs focused on the management, conservation and use of natural resources in a sustainable and sustainable way such as water, soil, energy, genetic varieties, biodiversity and capital.

Forestry and faunistic management

Design of programs focused on good practices for forest and faunistic management that involve the conservation of natural resources and Mother Earth.

Manejo and added value to the Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants

Establishment and implementation of good management practices to the botanical garden of medicinal plants with agroecological approach, conservation of traditional and value-added medicine through conservation techniques for distribution.

Educational material and training

Space for the design, development and validation of teaching materials such as train guides, manuals, videos and trainings that promote, facilitate and disclose.