Elections 2021-2026Related news Opening of election campaign at URACCAN Bluefields venue Opening of institutional election campaign 2021 in URACCAN Bilwi and New Guinea Candidates and candidates for Institutional Elections receive first training Training of polling station members at URACCAN Bilwi venue and Waspam extension are completed Polling station members at URACCAN Bluefields venue receive training for 2021 elections Registration of the second candidate for vice-chancellor of URACCAN Bluefields venue URACCAN Electoral Committee, trains polling station members Registration of candidates for vice-chancellors continues in URACCAN campus Las Minas Opening of registrations for applications for 2021 elections at URACCAN Bluefields venue Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford submits her candidacy for rector to URACCAN's electoral committee Register candidates for general vice-chancellor and vice-chancellor of Bilwi precinct Starts registration process for election candidates in URACCAN Las Minas venue URACCAN New Guinea Election Committee receives nominations for the post of vice-chancellor of the venue URACCAN disrupted its institutional election process 2021-2026 Related documentation Acuerdos CUU SE 02-2021 SGU Comunicado provisional votación CUU 25 Marzo 2021 Proclamación definitiva autoridades electas CUU 260321 Proclamación definitiva Candidatas y Candidatos al CUU Proclamación provisional candidatas y candidatas proceso votación 2021 Resolución a la impugnación 020321 Comunicado del Comité Electoral a candidatos y candidatas a elecciones URACCAN 2021 Comunicado del Comité Electoral a candidatos y candidatas a elecciones URACCAN 2021 Formato de Registro Fiscal URACCAN 2021 Reglamento Electoral URACCAN 2021-2026 Compendio Normativo Electoral Cartilla electoral (Manual paso a paso) URACCAN 2021 Proclamación definitiva de candidatas y candidatos al cargo de Rectoría, Vicerrectoría general y vicerrectorías de recinto, Periodo 2021-2026 IMPUGNACION. ELECCIONES URACCAN 2021 Reglamento Electoral URACCAN 2021-2026 Proclamación Provisional de candidatos y candidatas a Elecciones Institucionales de URACCAN 2021-2026 Instructivo Comité Electoral 2021-2026