Community Conventions

⇒Covention of collaboration with the Municipal Mayor of Bluefields.
Among the objectives of this accompaniment process, is to contribute to the Development of the Municipality of Bluefields and Institutional Strengthening, through advisory-accompaniment processes, training, research, articulation, advocacy and joint management, in topics that respond to the municipal, regional interest agenda, joining efforts in obtaining and enhancing financial, human and technological resources according to the possibilities presented.

⇒Covenation between CNEA and URACCAN with the financial support of CSUCA.
This emblematic process involves the development of the manuals and accreditation guides that will have as their axis the incorporation of comprehensive risk management, resilience and adaptation to climate change, which will be the strategic benchmarks for racing accreditations in the coming years.
The process begins with the agroforestry engineering career, one of the first grade porgrams offered by URACCAN.

⇒Firm of exchange agreement and collaboration with the University of Edinburgh.
⇒Carta of Understanding for accompaniment of the projects of the Program Axis of Productive Development San Jerónimo-Sahsa.
⇒Firma collaboration agreement with the indigenous communities of Sikilta, Tuapi, Sumubila and with GTI and A of Karata, RACCN.
⇒Alact of agreement for the exchange of information between the URACCAN University and the Municipal Mayor of Bilwi and the Autonomous Regional Government of the North Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua as part of the strengthening of the Observatory of Multi-Ethnic Regional Autonomy.