Authorities of CARCIP Nicaragua and URACCAN.
URACCAN and CARCIP Nicaragua, in partnership with the university community
The second Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of URACCAN enclosure Las Minas received a series of teams within the framework of the CARCIP Nicaragua Program, executed by Telcor and this Intercultural Community University.
The main objective of this center is to promote innovation, the creation of contact networks, knowledge sharing and integration of the key players for the dynamization of the innovation ecosystem.
URACCAN Rector Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford said innovation centers are key spaces for young people to work on these good ideas and make proposals for solutions to problems in the territory.
"The one that we have this center right now, so beautiful and equipped, is so that the community has a place where they can share their ideas, because it is an open innovation center, which proposes, that every idea that one has has to be sought a solution," she said.
Dr. Hooker thanked CARCIP for the support provided. "I am extremely excited that URACCAN has its second innovation center and with great appreciation for the CARCIP program," he emphasized.
Also, the vice-chancellor of the Las Minas campus, PhD. Leonor Ruiz Calderón, said that for this campus it is a commitment to continue working from the Mission and Vision and to contribute to student entrepreneurship and innovation.
"More than a joy, it is a commitment that we acquire as an enclosure, it is the second center that URACCAN has; the first is in Bilwi and now in Las Minas we have the second, thanks to CARCIP," Ruiz said.
For the director of Entrepreneurship, Msc. Victor Zúniga, the new features of the new professional are the soft skills and the ability to manage processes of innovation and entrepreneurship.
"Innovation centers are spaces where students will be able to be inspired, in addition to designing applications, software, innovation proposals that solve a challenge, a need," Zúniga said.
The official reported that from now on innovation seasons will begin, as "these processes are given with local actors, governments, private companies, basic organizations and communities, where they will establish challenges and on that basis students will give solutions or alternatives to what is presented to them".
The innovation center is equipped with large capacity machines, with features to be able to design applications, make virtual platforms, software and videoconferences.
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