URACCAN conducts third webinar on CCRISAC research paradigm
The philosophical concept of "deep ecology" was coined by Norwegian environmental thinker and activist Arne Noss.
Dara Contreras

The CCRISAC in the face of the gaze of Deep Ecology

Through the UNESCO Chair of URACCAN, the third webinar was held under the title "Relationships between CCRISAC and the Philosophy of Deep Ecology Sciences/Methods", by the Norwegian academic Roy Krovel. This activity was part of the cycle of conferences on the research paradigm Cultivation and Breeding of Wisdoms and Knowledge (CCRISAC), organized by the area of External Cooperation and the Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

URACCAN, committed to its Intercultural educational model and in strengthening this own research model, together with the Amawtay Wasi Multiversity (PAW) and Intercultural Indigenous Autonomous University (IAUIN), carry out this project to realize the epistemological basis of CCRISAC and, from its implementation, contribute to a Higher Education focused on interculturality and the visibility of practices , wisdoms and knowledge of the original peoples, as well as the decolonization of thought, good living, living well and with dignity.

He is a PhD. in History and a civil engineer specializing in the environment and risk analysis, and is currently professor of journalism at the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the Metropolitan University of Oslo (OSLOMET). He also collaborates with the Sami Indigenous Knowledge House, University of Applied Sciences in Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, "Sápmi".

Through this webinar reflection on the approaches of the philosophy of deep ecology and its relationship with CCRISAC, and the world view of indigenous peoples.

The flowering of life and spiritual maturation

In the context of this exhibition, Kr'vel questioned Western philosophical paradigms, where human beings are seen as a whole and value to non-human life (plants, animals, water resources: everything around us) is hierarchical according to the usefulness attributed to it by consumerist societies.

This philosophical vision recognizes nature's transcendence for life, to such an extent that it derives from it the meaning of existence. Throughout this conference, Dr. Krovel requested reflections and input from national and international participants, teachers, students and researchers, who presented an analysis of the limitations faced by initial education, which does not promote the inclusion of various knowledge and to become of different cultures, nor respect for nature, which prevents progress in the assessment of contributions , of knowledge and wisdom of the original peoples and of nature itself.

Similarly, it was stated that the methodological proposal, which links CCRISAC with deep ecology, is the formation of educational models that promote research from the perspective of the care of the environment to face global problems.

With the culmination of this third webinar, it was highlighted in the importance of laying the foundations, building and concrete research methodologies of its own, which open spaces to the participation of different cultures, as well as the development of a new legal perspective, where nature is considered as a subject of law, for this it is necessary the knowledge, knowledge and practices, ancestral and spiritual of peoples.