URACCAN enriches its bibliographic inventory
Detail from The Nora Rigby Library, Bluefields.
Josselyn Flores

The first Intercultural Community University, committed to the projection of scientific research that contributes to the strengthening of indigenous, Afro-descendant and mixed-race peoples of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast, has made its academic-scientific production available to the university community and the general population.

Recently, the Bluefields venue updated bibliographic inventory, obtaining new books, magazines, newsletters and audiovisual materials. All this research production is the result of the tesson of teachers and students of URACCAN.

The new acquisitions are organized in the first quarter 2020 bulletin published by URACCAN. The Nora Rigby Library in Bluefields, for example, among its many titles has available:

  • The "Guide to Intercultural Communication on the Experiences, Does and Symbolism of Creole Families of the Mining Triangle", by teacher Neylin Cadero and teacher Yulmar Montoya.
  • The text of "Learnings, good practices and recommendations for the incorporation of adaptation to climate change and comprehensive management of disaster risk in the university work", written by Raúl Armando Salguera.
  • The 1st. edition of the book "Development of projects in community management of wildlife in Central America", by Ivannia Ayalles Cruz, Vivienne Solís Rivera and Patricia Madrigal Cordero.

According to Mr. Gladys Wongs, responsible for this library, "the newsletter consists of the collection of the entire bibliography of the new income that comes to us and reflects all the information of the different careers and themes".

The librarian also explains, "we receive books and scientific research conducted by graduate students and some hemerographic information."

"From library, the first step we take when new books come in is to inventory the information, every title and bibliographic copy must be under a registration number with which we can control how many books we have," Wongs said.

Bibliography in numbers

"In this first quarter of 2020 we obtained 82 titles and 116 copies in terms of books; if we are going to see the hemerographic material we receive 1 title and 14 copies; likewise in monographs we were entered by 7 bibliographic titles and 9 copies of scientific monographs made by our users," concluded the head of the Nora Rigby Library.