20th Anniversary Plan presentation in Waspam

By: Juan Polanco Hernández

URACCAN, from its statutes, principles, values and cross-cutting axes, through an intercultural community practice, accompanies the processes of indigenous, Afro-descendant and mixed-race peoples of the Caribbean Coast, contributing to development with identity, under a framework of respect and equity. This time, the university authorities, led by the Msp. Alta Hooker, rector of URACCAN, visited the mayor of Waspam, to learn about the advances in this territory.

"He took the opportunity to visit and see the advances that the municipality has made with this new administration of Mayor Ross Cunningham, a graduate of the first diploma in indigenous law that the university promoted between 1995-1997 and which is also part of that link that the university has with local governments to strengthen the autonomy of the peoples," said Yuri Zapata , URACCAN Deputy General Vice-Chancellor.

Joint actions

VisitIn addition, the authorities of URACCAN met with the departmental political secretary of Puerto Cabezas-Waspam-Prinzapolka, to present to him the plan of the XXV Anniversary of the Intercultural Community University.

"In that context, it was seen that several joint actions can be taken for the week of Autonomy, starting the whole week of October," Zapata said.

Through these concrete actions, URACCAN promotes accompaniment and integration, as a fundamental basis for the drive of equitable trade, economic, productive social, cultural and political relations within a national, regional and international framework that induce the sustainable and identity development of peoples and their cultures.

In addition, the autonomy of the Caribbean Coast is promoted within a framework of Respect and promotion of a system of territorial administration with its own mode of government at the communal, municipal and regional level, which leads to the identity of culturally differentiated peoples.

Photos: Courtesy Yuri Zapata