Creative skills building

By: Neylin Calderón

From the area of Economic and Administrative Sciences of URACCAN in the Bilwi campus, the initiative was taken to establish a creative course with children who have the availability and enthusiasm to develop their cognitive abilities through educational robotics, that is why, this Saturday, November 23 of the current, began that course to end on December 07.  

The classes are also taught by teacher Olga Marina Chow and the participants are sons and daughters of URACCAN officials and officials in this enclosure, with the main purpose of "Promoting motivation for robotics by drawing and imagining their robot", shared the teacher, as well as strengthening soft skills, encouraging teamwork and creating a robot using recyclable materials.

In this sense, it is important to emphasize that robotics, has been used in URACCAN as a pedagogical tool, because it integrates several areas of knowledge such as mathematics, science and technology and through this course students are intended to learn about "Design, construction and basic programming of a robot", added the teacher Olga Chow.


This educational course will be held in eight face-to-face meetings, lasting 5 hours, where participants will be able to reinforce creativity, logic, empathy and teamwork, which in the future will be fundamental in vocational training, in addition the classes are aimed at children between the ages of 6 to 10 years.

The units envisaged to be provided are as follows; "Drawing my robot", "My Robot made with recyclable material", "Knowing Lego EV3" and "Manipulating a quadbot", the evaluation of the course will be integral, formative and summary, concluded Chow.