Solar panels install at URACCAN Las Minas Innovation Center
Experts installing the first solar panels in the Las Minas enclosure.
Jindriska Mayorga Polanco

Actions that promote environmental protection

A photovoltaic system (solar panels) is being installed in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center "Kiulna", of the Las Minas enclosure, with the aim of promoting and boosting the consumption of clean and eco-friendly energy, in accordance with the Vision and Mission of URACCAN.

Solar panels are modules capable of harnessing the energy of solar radiation. It is an alternative technology that allows energy to be obtained without compromising on the environment.

The director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Msc. Victor Zúniga, said this is a 5-kilogram system, which will allow the use of electronic equipment such as desktop computers, laptops, oasis, center lights and the use of power outlets.

"The system is designed to charge batteries, both solar and commercial, and has a network system to monitor it remotely. The batteries will last for 10 years, according to care and handling," the director said.

Networks of cooperation for institutional and academic development

It should be noted that this work is being carried out by SENCOM, within the framework of the CARCIP-TELCOR-Nicaragua programme, with funds from the World Bank, through the Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of URACCAN.

This same installation will also be carried out on July 06 at the Slilma Center of the Bilwi site, but with COMTECH.

Zúniga reported that a space inspection visit will also be being carried out at the New Guinea site in which the third Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre will be built, in addition to the inspection of the space where the new Computer Laboratory for the Caribbean Language Centre will be located.

All these activities are part of the process of institutional strengthening to promote the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in URACCAN and the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua.